Monday, April 10, 2006

Take your girlfriend to work day

Today, after my full day of work, I went to hang out with my boyfriend at his office. He works for a cartoon studio and has been putting in some very late hours the past couple of weeks.

These are his two friends Tim (in the hat) and Sammy. They're the late night guys. Working hard into the wee hours. Making eachother laugh saying silly things. It was fun hanging out with all of them. It had that fun after-school feeling - when you're the only ones in a building that is normally bustling full with people. I don't know if bustling is a word.

This is the inside of Phil's cubicle. He's got a lot of inspirational material on his walls - some drawn by him - some by other artists.

More from this later.....

1 comment:


That fooooozeball table looks like it gets a lot of mileage. The look on the guys faces are sooo spontaneous. Good quality heart.